We support corporate initiatives by unleashing transformation-energy at all management levels.
Inspire people
to ignite transformation.
As people experts, we support companies in their transformation projects. With a focus on the consistent implementation of the strategy, we align the entrepreneurial challenge of the organization with the personal challenges of the managers and employees. We contribute to the success of transformation processes by transferring methods, programs, and corporate initiatives more smoothly into the daily work routine. We support the transformation of strategic planning and operational implementation, and we offer consulting and training services that are both energizing and goal-oriented.
Sparring partner
with CEO & C-Suite
to reflect and structure transformation projects.
Leadership development
in order to promote a winning mindset and promote a sense of purpose.
Team development
to develop a common spirit of corporate transformation to build a strategic convergence.
Leading innovation mindset
to make an organization and its people more agile, more resilient, and more creative.
FACE the Purpose
to develop a meaningful, long-term and day-to-day value system.
Enable Challenge-Managers
to support leaders and HR teams to implement the FACE method.
What transformation do we want to bring about together?

Mathias Ulmann
Lead Consulting